Tax Address, Bank Account Opening, and other Services

We assist our clients in many of their needs, such as:

  • Banking in Paraguay,
  • Incorporating a company,
  • Providing a company address and related services,
  • Obtaining a driver’s license,
  • Getting a RUC number (Registro Único del Contribuyente, Tax ID), and
  • Introducing reliable real estate agents, accountants, and much more.


Paraguay is definitely not the place for wealth management or sophisticated banking. Paraguayan bank services are relatively bureaucratic and the process of opening a bank account is cumbersome. The criteria may vary from bank to bank and from branch to branch and change frequently.

We will happily assist our clients in opening an account to feel at home and at ease in our lovely country.

Company Incorporation

The incorporation of a company is a simple procedure and can be completed within days. We strive to achieve the best possible conditions so your company may benefit from existing or new incentives. We are of course very familiar with the Maquila regimen. Companies that operate under the Maquila model take advantage of numerous benefits. Maquila is usually a foreign-owned factory producing goods in Paraguay. The products are subsequently exported to the holding company bearing a unique tax of 1%.

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